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Chocalate Bar Packing Ideas

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Product development may come to a standstill, but the visual war continues. Impressions based on the taste of cocoa products require great taste and visual experience. Snacks are not just to be enjoyed for tasting, because they contain the expression of someone's needs and expressed emotions, and are even hailed as a symbol of love. Before people are tempted, chocolate lovers will decide to embrace sweetness after being seduced by the cover.

We would like to share some of the interesting designs for chocolate packing:


Two brothers from Brooklyn started MAST, a chocolate brand that has become a hot potato in the chocolate world. Many fashion brands as Vogue have collaborated with MAST, and the secret, of course, is its pay-as-you-go packaging.



What can't MAST do? It even has a chocolate collaboration with The Paris Review. Although MAST is also known as Bean to Bar and is made in an open process, there are lots of people who think that the popularity, marketing, and positioning of MAST is more than chocolate itself -- and that's what the artsy is all about.

chocolate packaging


Clay Gordon, a food judge in San Francisco, said, "If the world's top chocolate judges were to grade MAST, it would rank in the bottom 5%. There is a manufacturing flaw in every chocolate bar, it doesn't even taste good." But that hasn't stopped people from buying MAST, as the good-looking package has captured hearts.

chocolate packaging


2. Le chocolat des Francais

 Le Chocolat des Francais is the chocolate romance of three men, though they prefer to be called "the business of three best friends" themselves.

chocolate packaging


The three founders of Le Chocolat des Franca is known for its packaging collaborations with artists. One of the three is the artistic director, a sign of the importance Le Chocolat des Francais places on beauty. They don't care about the artist's reputation, they look for works of art that are close to the quality of chocolate, so every year Le Chocolat des Francais sends out 100 blank chocolate wrappers, invites artists to paint on them.

chocolate packaging


3.Nendo Chocolate Paints

In collaboration with the PEN brand, chocolate paints are shaped like tubes of paint, filled with different flavored syrups, which pour out as if the real "paint" is the moment it is opened. Labels on the outside of the tubes indicate the flavors of the syrup, such as vanilla, coffee, brandy, and rum, and serve as packaging to keep the user's fingers clean.

Nendo Chocolate Paints by Japanese design studio Nendo图片1


4.Nendo Chocolate Pencil

In collaboration with top chocolate brand Hironobu Tsujiguchi, Nendo's chocolate,The styling alone hits the heart of most appearance parties. Different concentrations of chocolate are made into different colored pencils, each with a different number to indicate the different proportions of the cocoa mixture, and they lie quietly inside the white porcelain tray. There are also grooves to place a special "pencil sharpener".

chocolate packing


It is a painting using a "pencil sharpener" to roll the chocolate bar into crumbs, scattered on the finished chocolate cake. The highlight of this design: pencil shavings. Normally our pencil shavings would be thrown away, but in this case, The "pencil shavings" become the main character of the whole installation.


5. van der burgh chocolade hieronymus

Dutch brand chocolate, It makes extensive use of paintings by Dutch surrealist painter Bosch. The packaging itself is a picture.

chocolate packaging


6. Richard chocolate

Made in France, it was once named "the most beautiful chocolate in the world" by the British media.

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7. Einem chocolate

This is the chocolate packaging design of Russian dessert brand Einem, each box has an animal totem corresponding to an animal spirit. The design of the packaging is based on the origins of chocolate in pre-Columbian American culture, with stylized patterns and simple, lightweight sans serif fonts reflecting the design's modern roots.

chocolate packing -Einem chocolate图片4


8. Chock&Co

French niche chocolate brand, mainly in the city series, New York, London, Paris, and other metropolises have the corresponding chocolate.

chocolate bar packaging


There are too many delicious chocolates in the world, and good-looking packaging can capture people's hearts. The meaning of dessert is to make people feel happy when they eat it.

Chock&Co-chocolate bar packaging

Where to buy chocalate bar packing machine?

We are a professional supplier for packaging machine products. We have been in the industry for more than 20 years. We are committed to providing effective mechanical solutions to our customers. Please contact us for more information at


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